Allianz Stadium
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Allianz Stadium
Is it possible to visit the Juventus Museum?
Yes, it is also possible to visit the Museum during the match day, access to it is not inside the Allianz Stadium. The closing day is Tuesday (if it is not Match Day or Match Day -1). It is located in the East area ofthe stadium, opposite the mall in Via Druento 153/42.
How many seats are available at the Allianz Stadium?
The seating capacity is 41,507 seats.
What is the minimum distance from the playing field?
The minimum distance between the first row of seats and the pitch is 7.5 meters.
How many parking spaces are available for fans?
There are 4,000 parking spaces entirely dedicated to fans.
How tall are the stadium flagpoles?
They are 86 meters tall.
How heavy is the stadium’s cover?
The main structure consists of four large inverted arch beams with a maximum height of 7.5 meters, respectively 125 and 90 meters in length per side and a total weight of 1,300 tons. The secondary structure, instead, is made up of sixty 40-meter beams, walkways and wind bracing for a total of 1,100 tons. The amount of total steel is 3,700 tons.
What material is the stadium’s external cover made of?
The external cover of the stadium is made up of more than 7,000 Alucobond panel elements that form a "skin" that will recall the Italian tricolour flag and the stars representing every National title ("Scudetto") won by the team.
Was the installation of the 8 stay rods at the four corners of the stadium included in the project from the outset, or is it a modification in progress to remedy a design error?
This solution was foreseen since the beginning of this project, drawn up in 2008.
Why don't the stay rods appear in the first renderings?
The stay rods do not appear in the first renderings since the latter were initially designed in order to represent a synthesis of the elements that make up the whole work, without details relating to the structural details.
In both cases, were alternative solutions proposed to Juventus that would not obstruct the spectators' view? If so, why were they discarded?
The designers always judged the solution of the stay rods as non-impacting on the vision of the match event, for this reason they never actually considered any alternatives.
Did the real impact of the stay rods on the quality of the view for the spectators get assessed, both in terms of the number of seats involved and in terms of visual obstruction?
Juventus assessed the impact of the stay rods as minimal and acceptable, in consideration of the minimal effect on public visibility. Furthermore, the seats in the areas with "obstructed visibility" are in some cases not included in the season tickets and in others they are sold at a reduced price compared to the adjacent sectors, and only at the official Juventus Ticket Office. The remaining "obstructed visibility" seats are sold, as in previous seasons at the Olimpico, only for a single match and only once the maximum visibility seats in the respective sector are sold out. For these sectors, moreover, promotional initiatives have already been planned for the sale of tickets that are at an angle.
The comparison with other sports facilities in other European countries has shown that, in some of them, there are seats with low visibility; these are places where the view on the pitch is partially obstructed by elements such as columns, railings, other structural elements of the stadium or, for example at the Camp Nou in Barcelona and at the Allianz Arena in Monaco by the support poles of the nets placed behind the goals and in front of the die-hard fan terraces.
Is there a differentiation in the price of the tickets in the sectors in question?
Yes, see the previous answer.
Are you possibly considering removing the stay rods in the future, opting for an alternative solution?
No, it is not currently a hypothesis under further study.
Was the symbolic impact of this design choice assessed?
Juventus evaluated the opportunity to build the best possible system, entrusting a team of international level designers with the task of conceiving a stadium that could compete with the best sports facilities at the European and world level. Juventus is the first and only club that, without the need for facilitating laws and without public funding, without affecting the team's financial resources, inaugurated a stadium that is at the forefront in Europe and unique in Italy.
Have UEFA and FIFA been asked to evaluate the certified approval for the most prestigious international competitions?
Yes, and the Allianz Stadium is approved according to the criteria of all the official football bodies and is able to host matches of both UEFA and FIFA competitions.
Has it been ascertained that the presence of the stay rods does not preclude the assignment of the Champions League final or World Cup matches?
The Allianz Stadium is approved and is able to host all stages of any competition except the Champions League final. To host a Champions League final stadiums must have a capacity of at least 50,000 seats. This capacity was deemed to be oversized for the correct functioning of the structure which is meant to be a centre of attraction even on days not dedicated to a match. During the presentation of the dossier for the 2016 European Championships, the FIGC appeared very satisfied with the Juventus stadium, and had hypothetically assigned the possible semifinal.
According to which regulations were the structural analyses and related checks carried out?
According to Law 1086 and the Ministerial Decree now in force.
Is there a three-dimensional structural model of the whole structure?
Yes, it exists.
Which calculation code was used?
See previous answer..
What combination of loads are the stay rods required for? Were tests conducted on scale models in a wind tunnel?
The steel cables placed at the four corners of the roof and anchored to the concrete separation elements of the basin, which divide the tiers into four grandstand sections, are the result of specific calculations made during the design phase and verified in the wind tunnel. They were positioned, with particular attention and care, in line with the grandstand separators. The access stairs straddling the separators also help to distance the seats to ensure visibility for all users.
Had it been a design error, why did you choose the least expensive solution when all the costs of redesigning and implementing the variation had to be covered by the designer pursuant to articles 111 and 132.2 of Legislative Decree 163/06?
The insertion of the stay rods is a choice and it is not a design error.